Phil’s Film Farm (2002, John Porter) introduced by John Porter (Toronto).Helen La Belle (1957, Lotte Reiniger) introduced by Tom De Smet (Haghefilm).Rain Dance (1990/2007, Helen Hill) introduced by Bill Brand (BB Optics), Lauren Sorensen(Canyon Cinema), Sarah Resnick (Todo Mundo), Loni Shibuyama (ONE, National Gay and Lesbian Archives).Remarks by John Canemaker (NYU Animation Program).Madame Winger Makes a Film: A Survival Guide for the 21st Century (2001, Helen Hill).'What is an orphan film?' Interview outtake of HH from Orphan Ist. (2006, Lauren Heath, Erin Curtis, Mike Johns).Welcome to the Orphan Film Symposium, Dan Streible (NYU)Īnywhere. Audio recordings of presentations at the 6th Orphan Film Symposium, The State, at New York University, March 26-29, 2008